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Volume 42 Number 5  

Volume 42 Supplement 1 (February 2016)
Research articles

Some applications of metacyclic 2-groups of negative type
Sanaa Mohamed Saleh Omer, Nor Haniza Sarmin, Ahmad Erfanian
ScienceAsia 42S (2016): 1-4 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2016.42S.001
[Abstract]  [PDF] 18 Downloads 1778 Views

Mixed convection flow over a horizontal circular cylinder in a viscous fluid at the lower stagnation point with convective boundary conditions
Norhafizah˙Md˙Sarif, Mohd˙Zuki˙Salleh, Roslinda˙Nazar
ScienceAsia 42S (2016): 5-10 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2016.42S.005
[Abstract]  [PDF] 25 Downloads 1654 Views

On solving an n×n system of nonlinear Volterra integral equations by the Newton-Kantorovich method
Hameed Husam Hameed, Z.K. Eshkuvatov, N.M.A. Nik Long
ScienceAsia 42S (2016): 11-18 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2016.42S.011
[Abstract]  [PDF] 14 Downloads 1749 Views

Method for domain-specific mathematical modelling: theory and applications
ScienceAsia 42S (2016): 19-25 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2016.42S.019
[Abstract]  [PDF] 23 Downloads 1650 Views

Normal forms of smooth plane quartics and their restrictions
ScienceAsia 42S (2016): 26-33 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2016.42S.026
[Abstract]  [PDF] 20 Downloads 1675 Views

An evolutionary approach for optimizing content-based image retrieval using a support vector machine
T.˙Kanimozhi, K.˙Latha
ScienceAsia 42S (2016): 34-41 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2016.42S.034
[Abstract]  [PDF] 22 Downloads 1651 Views

A study on encryption using three-dimensional cellular automata
S.˙Amirthalingam, K.˙Latha
ScienceAsia 42S (2016): 42-48 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2016.42S.042
[Abstract]  [PDF] 13 Downloads 1693 Views

Model checking the DNS under DNS cache-poisoning attacks using SPIN
Wei˙Zhang, Meihong˙Yang, Xinchang˙Zhang, Huiling˙Shi
ScienceAsia 42S (2016): 49-55 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2016.42S.049
[Abstract]  [PDF] 48 Downloads 1700 Views

OMICC: an overlay multicast infrastructure based on cloud computing for streaming media data distribution
Wei˙Zhang, Meihong˙Yang, Xinchang˙Zhang, Huiling˙Shi
ScienceAsia 42S (2016): 56-63 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2016.42S.056
[Abstract]  [PDF] 43 Downloads 1605 Views