Research articles
ScienceAsia (): 56-63 |doi:
OMICC: an overlay multicast infrastructure based on cloud computing for streaming media data distribution
Wei˙Zhanga,b,*, Meihong˙Yangb, Xinchang˙Zhangb, Huiling˙Shib
ABSTRACT: With the rapid development of information technology, cloud computing is becoming known and used by more and more people. Many application layer multicast protocols, however, do not take the emergence of cloud computing into account. Cloud computing centres have many good properties, such as sufficient network bandwidth and more stability and so they are more suitable for streaming media data distribution applications. This paper presents a new overlay multicast infrastructure based on cloud computing for streaming media data distribution called OMICC. OMICC has a two-tier multicast structure. In the higher tier, there is an overlay tree which is organized by the set of Cloud Computing Centres, called CCCs. In the lower tier, each CCC is a set of roots of multicast trees.
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a |
College˙of˙Information˙Science˙and˙Engineering, Shandong˙University˙of˙Science˙and˙Technology, Qingdao˙266510˙China |
b |
Shandong˙Key˙Laboratory˙of˙Computer˙Networks, Shandong˙Computer˙Science˙Centre˙(National˙Supercomputer˙Centre˙in˙Jinan), Jinan˙250000, China |
* Corresponding author, E-mail:
Received 31 Aug 2014, Accepted 20 Jul 2016