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Research articles

ScienceAsia (): 49-55 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874...049

Model checking the DNS under DNS cache-poisoning attacks using SPIN

Wei˙Zhanga,b,*, Meihong˙Yanga, Xinchang˙Zhanga, Huiling˙Shia

ABSTRACT:     Domain name system (DNS) security has garnered substantial interest due to DNS cache-poisoning attacks. In this article, a model checking method is employed to verify the security of the DNS protocol, especially when it is under DNS cache-poisoning attacks. The DNS protocol is first translated into a simpler model that preserves all the attack behaviour to be verified. Extended finite state machine models are given and represented in PROMELA which can be identified by SPIN; and then the whole process of model checking is proposed. The initial results on verification of the DNS under DNS cache-poisoning attacks using SPIN are also proposed. From the experimental results it can be seen that the security of DNS should be carefully considered.

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a Shandong˙Key˙Laboratory˙of˙Computer˙Networks, Shandong˙Computer˙Science˙Centre (National˙Supercomputer˙Centre˙in˙Jinan), Jinan˙250000, China
b College˙of˙Information˙Science˙and˙Engineering, Shandong˙University˙of˙Science˙and˙Technology, Qingdao˙266510, China

* Corresponding author, E-mail: wzhang@sdas.org

Received 31 Aug 2014, Accepted 20 Jul 2016