Research articles
ScienceAsia (): 43-51 |doi:
Variants of weighted sticker systems with different weighting spaces
W.H.˙Fonga,*, Y.S.˙Ganb, N.H.˙Sarmina, S.˙Turaevc
ABSTRACT: Sticker systems have been introduced as a type of DNA computing model by using the recombination behavior of DNA molecules. The systems use the Watson-Crick complementary principle of DNA molecules to perform the computation in generating new strings. By associating some weights to the axioms and dominoes of the sticker system, a new version of the restricted sticker system, namely, a weighted sticker system has been introduced. In this paper of replica watches, we study the generative power of weighted sticker systems by considering the languages generated by weighted sticker systems with different weighting spaces and cut points. The relations of the languages generated by weighted sticker systems in the Chomsky hierarchy are also investigated.
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Department˙of˙Mathematical˙Sciences, Faculty˙of˙Science, Universiti˙Teknologi˙Malaysia 81310˙UTM˙Johor˙Bahru, Johor, Malaysia |
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Xiamen˙University˙Malaysia, Jalan˙Sunsuria, Bandar˙Sunsuria˙43900˙Sepang, Selangor˙Dahrul˙Ehsan, Malaysia |
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Department˙of˙Computer˙Science, Kulliyyah˙of˙Information˙and˙Communication˙Technology, International˙Islamic˙University˙of˙Malaysia˙50728˙Kuala˙Lumpur, Malaysia |
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Received 1 Dec 2014, Accepted 1 Jun 2017