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ScienceAsia 50 (2024):ID 2024109 1-12 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2024.109

Genome-wide identification of zf-B-Box gene family in Glycine max and expression analysis under NaCl stress

Xiangyu Tan, Xuan Yang, Jinjuan Hao, Xue Gang, Zhenlin Wei*

ABSTRACT:     The B-box proteins, or BBX proteins, belong to a subgroup of zinc finger transcription factors and have various physiological functions. This study aimed to conduct a comprehensive genome-wide analysis of soybean BBX genes in Glycine max. A total of 26 GmBBX proteins were identified. These genes contain 1 or 2 B-box domains, 8 of which have the CCT domain. These proteins were classified into 4 subfamilies based on their structural characteristics and evolutionary relationships. Notably, 18 GmBBX genes were identified to form 15 duplicated gene pairs via segmental duplication. In addition, a cross-species syntenic analysis revealed 42 syntenic relationships between 19 GmBBX genes and 11 BBX genes from Arabidopsis thaliana. Nevertheless, there was no apparent synteny between BBX genes from G. max and Zea mays. The transcriptomic data showed that the expression levels of GmBBX genes, primarily found in the root and leaf tissues, were generally low, in line with the outcomes from the Ka/Ks ratio analysis. The real-time PCR analysis of 4 selected GmBBX genes showed a significant upregulation of gene expression, particularly for GmBBX20, under NaCl stress. These findings suggest that GmBBX proteins may be crucial in regulating stress tolerance.

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a Biological Sciences Department, Dezhou University, Dezhou, Shandong 253023 China

* Corresponding author, E-mail: wzl19741028@163.com

Received 20 Aug 2023, Accepted 4 Oct 2024