Research articles
ScienceAsia 49 (2023):ID 85-93 |doi:
Identification, in silico characterization, and expression
analysis of NBS-LRR class of R genes against stem and crown
rot disease in Trifolium alexandrinum L.
Bukhtawer Nasira, Siddra Ijaza,*, Imran Ul Haqb, Nasir Ahmad Khanb, Amer Habibb
ABSTRACT: R genes with colossal contributions to disease resistance possess conserved domains with confounded
roles. Based on the conserved domains, R genes encoded proteins are classified. The members of nucleotide-binding
site, NBS-Leucine rich repeats, LRR class of R genes are significant candidates involved in plant disease-resistance
pathways. In this study, the genetic elements contributing to stem and crown rot disease resistance were explored
through transcriptome probing based on conserved NBS domain under disease stress in berseem clover. Expression
analysis of identified gene sequences revealed their upregulation during stem and crown rot disease. The in silico
characterization imparted strong support towards the predictive role of identified RGAs in disease resistance.
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Centre of Agricultural Biochemistry and Biotechnology (CABB), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 38000
Pakistan |
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Department of Plant Pathology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 38000 Pakistan |
* Corresponding author, E-mail:
Received 17 Dec 2021, Accepted 16 Aug 2022