Preliminary notes on floristic composition and structural profiles of lowland deciduous forest fragments: A case study
in Lampang Campus of Thammasat University, Northern Thailand
Janejaree Inuthai
ABSTRACT: The present study provides preliminary information on floristic composition of lowland deciduous forest
fragments in Thammasat University, Lampang Campus, Lampang Province, Northern Thailand. A total of 110 vascular
plant species belonging to 43 families and 89 genera were collected and identified. The most common species
were Dipterocarpus obtusifolius, Dipterocarpus tuberculatus, Cratoxylum cochinchinense, Diospyros ehretioides, Garcinia
nigrolineata, and Anacardium occidentale. The structural profiles of straight stems, sparsely distributed trees, and
open crowns with 3 layers were constructed. In addition, the lowland deciduous forest fragments on the campus
are considered the young to the intermediate-staged secondary forests in the present study.