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Research articles

ScienceAsia 47 (2021):ID 312-320 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2021.038

Comparative analysis of the mitochondrial genome and genetic relationship between Philosamia cynthia ricini and Philosamia cynthia cynthia

Shuai Lianga, Benzheng Zhanga, Mingzhu Liub, Guodong Zhaoa, Anying Xua,b, Heying Qiana,b,*, Gang Lia,b,c,*

ABSTRACT:     Philosamia cynthia cynthia and Philosamia cynthia ricini are silken insects belonging to the family Saturniidae (Lepidoptera). In order to explore the genetic relationships of silken insects from Saturniidae at the molecular level, we used NGS method to assemble complete mitochondrial genome sequences of P. cynthia ricini strain B7 and P. cynthia cynthia strain C2gx. Assembly results showed that the total lengths of the mitochondrial genome sequences of B7 and C2gx were 15 383 and 15 344 bp, respectively; and both genomes contained 37 genes with a A+T enriched region. A total of 361 transversion or transition sites occurred at 13 PCGs and 1 insertion or deletion site at the Cox1. The start codons of the Cox1 in B7 and C2gx were CGA and ATT, respectively, which were different from the TTAG of other lepidopteran insects. Based on the mitochondrial genome sequences of fifteen lepidopteran insects published in NCBI, we performed phylogenetic analysis and showed that, although the two strains have some genetic differences in the mitochondrial genome, B7 and C2gx were clustered into one branch with close kinship as expected.

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a The Sericultural Research Institute, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Jiangsu 212003 China
b The key Laboratory of Silkworm and Mulberry Genetic Improvement, Ministry of Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, Jiangsu 212018 China
c State Key Laboratory of Integrated Management of Pest Insects and Rodents, Beijing 100101 China

* Corresponding author, E-mail: qianheying123@163.com, gangsri@just.edu.cn

Received 13 Aug 2020, Accepted 28 Feb 2021