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Research articles

ScienceAsia 46S (2020):ID 66-73 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2020.S009

Effect of barium iron tantalate incorporation on mechanical, electrical, and magnetocapacitance properties of modified bismuth sodium potassium titanate ceramics

Pharatree Jaitaa,b, Ratabongkot Sanjoomc, Narumon Lertcumfud, Pruchya Malasria, Gobwute Rujijangula,b,e,f,*, Tawee Tunkasiria,e

ABSTRACT:     In this research, the (1−x)(BNKT-BST)-xBFTa ceramics were fabricated via a solid-state mixed oxide method and sintered at the temperature of 1125 °C for 2 h dwell time in order to obtain dense ceramics. The XRD and Raman data revealed the coexisting rhombohedral and tetragonal phases for all samples. The density increased with increasing the additive content, which resulted in the improvements of mechanical and dielectric properties. The maximum dielectric (εr = 1799) and mechanical properties (HV= 6.30 GPa, HK = 5.30 GPa, E = 97 GPa and KIC = 1.95 MPa.m1/2) were observed. The leakage current density (J) increased with increasing amount of the additive at high electric fields of 30 kV/cm while the resistivity (ρ) was also found to decrease with the additive. The magnetocapacitance (-MC%) value also increased with increasing of the additive. The obtained results suggested that the additive not only enhanced the mechanical but also improved electrical properties of the studied samples.

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a Department of Physics and Materials Science, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200 Thailand
b Science and Technology Research Institute, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200 Thailand
c Department of Applied Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agro-Industrial Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-ok, Chantaburi Campus, Chantaburi 22210 Thailand
d Department of Gemological Sciences, Faculty of Gemological Sciences and Applied Arts, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University, Chanthaburi 22000 Thailand
e Center of Excellence in Materials Science and Technology, Materials Science Research Center, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200 Thailand
f Research Center in Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50200 Thailand

* Corresponding author, E-mail: rujijanagul@yahoo.com

Received 16 Oct 2019, Accepted 27 Dec 2019