Research articles
ScienceAsia 46 (2020):ID 87-92 |doi:
Catch composition and estimated economic impacts of
ghost-fishing squid traps near Suan Son Beach, Rayong
province, Thailand
Charuay Sukhsangchana,*, Sonthaya Phuynoia, Yaowaluk Monthuma, Napakhwan Whanpetcha,
Nipa Kulanujareeb
ABSTRACT: The catch composition and economic impacts of ghost fishing in the fishing grounds near Suan Son Beach,
Rayong province, Thailand, were examined based on interviews of squid fishers and experiments using ghost-fishing
squid traps. In the province, 27 fisher families are engaged in squid trap fishing, and each family operates 100?300
squid traps. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) of the traps is 30-40 kg/100 traps/trip. The average price of a squid trap
is 135 Thai baht (US$ 4.50), and traps have a lifespan of 1-2 months. Squid traps can ghost fish when they are lost
in bad weather conditions, due to gear conflict, or when the trap materials deteriorate. The catches of experimental
ghost-fishing traps were examined during two periods in 2017: May-July and August-October. The traps caught
cephalopods and other species, both commercial and non-commercial. The commercial species included bigfin reef
squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana), other squids, cuttlefishes, groupers, snappers, and blue swimming crabs. The total
number of aquatic animals, total weight, and total economic value of the catches during May?July and August?October
2017 were 51 and 38 specimens; 12 000 g and 7250 g; and 6318.0 baht/27 traps and 5302.5 baht/28 traps, respectively
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Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900 Thailand |
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Upper Gulf Fisheries Research and Development Center, Samut Prakan 10130 Thailand |
* Corresponding author, E-mail:
Received 11 Sep 2019, Accepted 18 Feb 2020