Research articles
ScienceAsia 46 (2020):ID 240-244 |doi:
Hyers-Ulam stability for C1 solution of series-like
iterative equation with variable coefficients
Chao Xia*, Xi Wang
ABSTRACT: Hyers-Ulam stability is a basic sense of stability for functional equations. In the present paper we discuss the Hyers-Ulam stability of series-like iterative equations with variable coefficients. By the construction of a uniformly convergent sequence of functions we prove that if we can find a C1 approximate solution of such an equation, then there must be a unique C1 solution of this equation which is close to the C1 approximate solution.
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Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, Changchun University of Technology, Changchun 130012 China |
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Received 27 Jun 2019, Accepted 10 Apr 2020