Research articles
ScienceAsia 46 (2020):ID 213-223 |doi:
Urban heat island analysis for Bangkok: multi-scale
temporal variation, associated factors, directional
dependence, and cool island condition
Jirawan Kammaa,b, Kasemsan Manomaiphiboona,b,*, Nishit Amana,b, Tara Thongkamdeec,
Surawut Chuangchoted, Sebastien Bonneta,b
ABSTRACT: This study analyzed urban heat island characteristics in Bangkok, observed during a period of 10 years
(2006?2015) with emphasis on the dry season when the urban heat island is intensified in both daytime and nighttime
as compared to the wet season. December-January was found to be the months of peak urban heat island intensity
(UHII) in terms of average. The intensity is relatively large at night due to the faster cooling rate during the early
evening at the rural site whose thermal admittance of land surface is lower than the urban site. UHII is slightly larger
during the weekdays than the weekend, suggesting certain degree of influence of anthropogenic heat emitted in the
urban area. UHII is negatively correlated with most of rain, cloud, relative humidity, and wind speed variables. The
assessment of polar plots shows UHII dependence on wind direction. The statistical regression models relating UHII to
selected meteorological variables are capable of explaining the variability of the original data by 82% for daytime UHII
and 66% for nighttime. Southwesterly wind direction and persistence were found to be important in modulating UHII,
and both appear in the final regression models. The presence of dry-season cool island events was also investigated,
and it was found that they are generally induced by the high intensity of urban-alone/urban-rural rain, cloud, relative
humidity, or urban wind speed (or combined). Overall, the findings from the study provide enhanced perspectives,
which can support urban policy and planning related to weather for the study area.
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a |
The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, King Mongkut?s University of Technology
Thonburi, Thailand |
b |
Center of Excellence on Energy Technology and Environment, Ministry of Higher Education, Science,
Research and Innovation, Thailand |
c |
Thai Meteorological Department, Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, Thailand |
d |
Department of Tool and Materials Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut?s University of
Technology Thonburi, Thailand |
* Corresponding author, E-mail:
Received 26 Feb 2019, Accepted 15 Feb 2020