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Volume 50 Number 2
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Volume 50 Number 5 (October 2024)
Research articles

Mathematics and Physical Sciences

Hartogs-Bochner extension theorem for L 2loc-functions on unbounded domains
Shaban Khidr, Salomon Sambou
ScienceAsia 50 (2024):ID 2024037: 1-4 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2024.037
[Abstract]  [PDF] 0 Downloads 165 Views

Numerical simulation of a nonlinear model in finance by Broyden?s method
Xianfu Zeng, Hongwei Liu, Haiyan Song
ScienceAsia 50 (2024):ID 2024035: 1-7 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2024.035
[Abstract]  [PDF] 0 Downloads 154 Views

An inexact Krylov subspace method for large generalized Hankel eigenproblems
Zi-Yan Huang, Ting-Ting Feng
ScienceAsia 50 (2024):ID 2024049: 1-10 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2024.049
[Abstract]  [PDF] 0 Downloads 133 Views

An alternative functional equation related to the quadratic equation
Choodech Srisawat
ScienceAsia 50 (2024):ID 2024048: 1-7 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2024.048
[Abstract]  [PDF] 0 Downloads 142 Views

The properties of meromorphic functions shared values with their difference operators
Zhuo Wang, Weichuan Lin, Shanhua Lin
ScienceAsia 50 (2024):ID 2024036: 1-7 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2024.036
[Abstract]  [PDF] 0 Downloads 139 Views