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Research articles

ScienceAsia (): 372-380 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874...372

A statistical evaluation of collapsing criteria and related parameters of collapsing soils

M. Mohammad Alia,*, F. Ahmada, A.S. Yahayaa, Edward A. Nowatzkib, Donald E. Myersb

ABSTRACT:     An analytical investigation was conducted in which about 1000 sample points from over 400 borehole locations throughout the Tucson Basin, Arizona were used to determine the nature and extent of the variability of selected collapse criteria and collapse-related soil parameters both spatially and with depth. Analysis of seven data sets corresponding to different depth increments below the surface showed high dispersion tendencies as expressed by the value of coefficient of variation (CoV). The value of CoV was found to increase linearly with depth. All the collapse criteria and collapse-related soil parameters used in the study were found to follow a Gamma distribution except for two collapse-related soil parameters which were found to follow a Weibull distribution. A polynomial regression model was developed for the collapse criterion, Cp, which is defined as the percentage volumetric strain occurring in a soil sample when saturated under constant load. The model showed that Cp varies almost linearly with depth. A stepwise regression analysis revealed that Cp is strongly correlated with two collapse-related soil parameters, namely, in situ dry density (γd) and in situ moisture content (w0). Factor analysis validated this finding by producing two strong factors which described almost 80% of the total variance. These factors were closely related to γd and in situ degree of saturation, which is directly related to w0, the in situ void ratio, and the specific gravity of solids.

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a School of Civil Engineering, University Science Malaysia, 14300 Nibong Tebal, P. Pinang, Malaysia
b University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA

* Corresponding author, E-mail: mohammad59@hotmail.com

Received 13 Dec 2008, Accepted 4 Oct 2009