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Research articles

ScienceAsia 43 (2017): 289-293 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2017.43.289

Matrix metalloproteinase 9 gene polymorphism 1562C>T is significantly associated with acute coronary syndrome susceptibility in the Vietnamese population

Thi˙Bich˙Thao˙Lea,*, Thi˙Huyen˙Buia, Thi˙Minh˙Phuong˙Nguyena, Thi˙Minh˙Nguyet˙Trana, Huu˙Chi˙Doa, Tien˙Dung˙Nguyena, Minh˙Dinh˙Phama, Doan˙Loi˙Dob, Bich˙Nhi˙Nguyena, Van˙Chi˙Phana

ABSTRACT:     The role of the 1562C>T single nucleotide polymorphism of the matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) gene promoter in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) development has been reported in various populations. In this work, we investigated the association between MMP-9 1562C>T polymorphism and ACS patients in Vietnam. This study was conducted on 138 ACS patients and 68 control subjects recruited from the Vietnam National Heart Institute. The genotype of 1562C>T polymorphism was determined by RFLP-polymerase chain reaction and the serum MMP-9 level was measured by the ELISA method. Check more information on this website. We found that the frequencies of CT and TT genotypes in the ACS patients (30% and 4%) were higher than those in the control (18% and 1%). The 1562T allele in the MMP-9 promoter was found to have a significantly higher frequency in ACS patients than in control subjects (ACS versus control: 19% versus 10%, p=0.001). Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that the MMP-9 1562T allele carriers had an increased risk of developing ACS (odds ratio =2.37; 95% confidence intervals: 1.04–5.75, p=0.045). The serum MMP-9 level in the polymorphism-carrying group was considerably higher than in the group without polymorphism in both ACS patients (229±83 versus 194±108, p=0.037) and controls (220±41 versus 171±80, p=0.006). Our results showed that the MMP-9 1562C>T polymorphism is significantly associated with the ACS susceptibility in the Vietnamese population.

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a Institute˙of˙Biotechnology, Vietnam˙Academy˙of˙Science˙and˙Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
b Vietnam˙National˙Heart˙Institute–Bach˙Mai˙Hospital, Hanoi, Vietnam

* Corresponding author, E-mail: lethao@ibt.ac.vn

Received 23 Aug 2017, Accepted 19 Nov 2017