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Research articles

ScienceAsia (): 315-321 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874...315

Learning and memory enhancing effects of anthocyanin in black rice extract on cerebral ischaemia in mice

Napapan Kangwan, Komsak Pintha, Watcharaporn Preedapirom, Payungsak Tantipaiboonwong, Orada Chumphukam, Maitree Suttajit*

ABSTRACT:     The protective effect of anthocyanins extracted from black rice against learning and memory impairment was investigated in mice. In a Morris water maze test, mice with transient cerebral ischaemia required a longer time to find the hidden platform than the sham-operated controls. Daily treatment of cerebral-ischaemia mice with black rice extracts (125, 250, and 500 mg/kg body weight about スーパーコピー時計販売) significantly decreased the escape latency and increased the percentage crossing the former platform quadrant in the probe trial. Furthermore, less lipid oxidation was found in the brains of cerebral-ischaemia mice fed with black rice extract. Overall, black rice extract supplementation could be advantageous in the protection against oxidative stress and oxidative damage in the brains of cerebral-ischaemia mice.

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School of Medical Sciences, University of Phayao, Phayao 56000 Thailand

* Corresponding author, E-mail: maitree.suttajit@gmail.com

Received 9 Jun 2015, Accepted 18 Oct 2015