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Research articles

ScienceAsia 41 (2015): 93-96 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2015.41.093

Obtaining a black pericarp and improved aroma using genetic resources from Leum Pua rice

Rattikarn Kerdphola,b, Tanee Sreewongchaia,*, Prapa Sripichitta, Saovaluck Uckaracha, Fisseha Woredec

ABSTRACT:     Leum Pua, a glutinous rice variety with black pericarp, contains anthocyanin compounds capable of reducing cancer risk. The cooked Leum Pua rice is soft, aromatic, and tasty, but the plant is tall, vulnerable to lodging, and of low yield. This study reports a new rice line carrying the non-glutinous and semi-dwarf traits from IR64, with the aromatic and black pericarp characteristics of Leum Pua. A cross between Leum Pua and IR64 was made to produce F1 progenies and 87 BC1F1 plants were developed by backcrossing the F1 with IR64. DNA markers Naro1 and Glu_6 were used to select for aroma and non-glutinous traits, respectively. The black pericarp and semi-dwarf traits were selected by visual observation. From the 87 plants of the BC1F1 population, 43 plants were selected for aroma, out of which 4 had black pericarp. All these plants were backcrossed to IR64 to produce a BC2F1 population. A total of 55 BC2F1 plants were selected by DNA markers and visual observation, and only 1 plant for aroma and black pericarp was selected. Then 46 plants of the BC2F2 population were obtained by selfing of the BC2F1 population. The non-glutinous and semi-dwarf traits were maintained by backcrossing. Finally, 6 plants having semi-dwarf, non-glutinous, black pericarp, and aromatic traits were selected. These rice lines are candidates for new rice lines with higher yield potential than the Leum Pua rice variety.

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a Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900 Thailand
b Centre for Advanced Studies for Agriculture and Food, Kasetsart University Institute for Advanced Studies, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900 Thailand
c Amhara Regional Agricultural Research Institute, Sirinka Agricultural Research Centre Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

* Corresponding author, E-mail: taneesree@yahoo.com

Received 27 Sep 2014, Accepted 28 May 2015