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Research articles

ScienceAsia (): 66-71 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874...066

Effect of slag-based solidification material on the solidification and stabilization of sewage sludge

Wei Na

ABSTRACT:     Solidification/stabilization is considered to be a well-established disposal technique for reducing sludge handling and disposal obstacles. In this work, a slag-based solidification material (SBSM best crossbow) was developed, using slag and dihydrate gypsum as the solidifier and sulphoaluminate cement clinker as the additive, to improve the performance of sludge solidification and thus making sludge disposal and recycling possible. The behavior of pastes fabricated with various mass ratios of slag/sulphoaluminate cement clinker/dihydrate gypsum has been analyzed in terms of mechanical strength, hydration products, microstructure, and toxicity characteristics. The results show that the strength of solidified sludge increased significantly with the addition of SBSM and the sulphoaluminate cement clinker content in SBSM. The use of sulphoaluminate cement clinker significantly improved the solidification/stabilization performance, causing a higher strength level. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy investigations revealed that a large amount of ettringite was present in the solidified sludge, leading to a crystallizing network in the solidified products and therefore the enhancement of the strength. Environmental assessment of the final products in compliance leaching tests demonstrated that the concentration of heavy metals was below the detection limits (GB5085.3-2007) set in China.

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School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan 430023, China

* Corresponding author, E-mail: weina31@126.com

Received 14 Aug 2012, Accepted 11 Dec 2012