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ScienceAsia 37 (2011): 69-71 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2011.37.069

A novel smart mucoadhesive biomaterial from Lallimantia royalena seed coat

N.V. Satheesh Madhav*, M.S. Uma Shankar

ABSTRACT:     Our aim was to isolate a novel biomaterial from the seed coat of Lallimantia royalena, a member of the Labiatae family widely available in the western part of Uttar Pradesh, India. The seed coat was isolated by the non-solvent addition method and its colour, texture, solubility, and chemical and IR spectral properties were determined. The biomaterial swelling index, colour change point, and acute animal toxicity were also studied. The mucoadhesivity of the biomaterial was determined by the shear stress, Park and Robinson, and rotating cylinder methods, and the results were compared with those of the standard polymers sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose. The research study revealed that the biomaterial from L. royalena seed coat exhibits promising inbuilt mucoadhesion and good mucoretentability. The mucoadhesion of the biomaterial was also confirmed by IR spectra showing carboxyl and hydroxyl groups. Hence the isolated biomaterial from the L. royalena seed coat can serve as a powerful natural mucoadhesant and may be used to develop mucoadhesive transmucosal drug delivery systems.

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Novel Drug Delivery Research Laboratory, DIT- Faculty of Pharmacy, Dehradun, Uttranchal, India 248009

* Corresponding author, E-mail: satheesh_madhav@yahoo.com

Received 16 Jun 2010, Accepted 14 Feb 2011