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Research articles

ScienceAsia 47 (2021): 707-716 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2021.102

Growth performance and beef quality of Xinjiang brown cattle fed with different dosages of selenized yeast

Zhichun Lia,d,*, Jian Suna,d, Jiazhou Weic, Hock Eng Khoob, Zhijian Weic, Ruibo Moc

ABSTRACT:     The effects of different doses of selenized yeast on growth performance and beef quality of Xinjiang brown cattle were determined. Healthy Xinjiang brown cattle were divided randomly into five experimental groups. They were fed with yeast containing different doses of selenium. The body weight (BW), organ weight, and selenium content of beef samples from the muscles and organs of the cattle were measured. Physicochemical parameters and nutritional values of the longissimus dorsi muscle sample were also determined. The results showed that selenized yeast-fed cattle had reduced weight gain compared with the cattle from the control group. The beef samples of different body parts and organs of the selenized yeast-fed cattle exhibited significantly higher selenium content than the control cattle. The selenium supplementation improved the beef quality by increasing water holding capacity. It also reduced the percentages of water loss and shear force. The beef samples of the cattle fed with the highest dosage of selenized yeast contained the lowest crude protein content. The total essential amino acids of the beef samples of the supplemented cattle were significantly higher than the control cattle. The selenized yeast supplementation was also found to improve the fatty acid composition of the beef samples. The addition of selenized yeast in feed improved the beef quality of Xinjiang brown cattle. The recommended dose of selenized yeast for cattle feeds was 0.9 mg/kg BW.

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a Agro-food Science and Technology Research Institute, Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Nanning 530007 China
b College of Chemistry and Bioengineering, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541006 China
c Guangxi State Farm Jinguang Dairy Co., Ltd., Nanning 530007 China
d Guangxi Key Laboratory of Fruits and Vegetables Storage-processing Technology, Nanning 530007 China

* Corresponding author, E-mail: lizhichun@gxaas.net

Received 8 Jan 2021, Accepted 7 Sep 2021