Research articles
ScienceAsia 47 (2021):ID 330-339 |doi:
Development of chitosan beads as an oil adsorbent and
its application in household grease traps
Rawinipa Srimoona,*, Jakkapan Potipatb
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research was to develop chitosan beads as an oil adsorbent in household grease traps.
The results showed that chitosan beads, synthesized from 3% w/v chitosan flakes in 5% v/v acetic acid and formed the
beads in 2.0 M NaOH, provided the best characteristics. The white colored beads were slightly hard with maximum
average weight and maximum diameter of 0.0925±0.0101 g and 0.67±0.06 cm. respectively. SEM images revealed
that the beads had spherical shapes and homogenously distributed pores. The maximum adsorption capacity was
1667.93±39.61 mg/g (83.40±1.98%) at the optimum adsorbent dosage of 10 g/l, initial oil concentration 20 g/l,
pH 5 and 303 K with 25 min of contact time. The adsorption was fitted to the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. Our
results indicated that the adsorption was monolayer and chemisorption, and Cm increased with increasing temperature.
The kinetic study was correlated with the pseudo-second order, and the intraparticle diffusion was the rate controlling
step. The adsorption of oil in the household grease trap showed a significant decrease in Fat, Oil & Grease (FOG),
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD crossbow for hunting) (p < 0.05), while the pH did not change.
Also, oil removal in real wastewater was lower than synthetic oil-in-water due to the competition for the biding
sites between oil and other compositions presented in wastewater and the formation of stable micelle droplets by
the surfactant. Nevertheless, the values of oil concentration in the household wastewater were lower than the standard
limit of domestic discharge in Thailand, whereas the values in the treated wastewater from a noodle shop were over
the standard value.
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a |
Department of Applied Science and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agro-Industrial Technology, Rajamangala
University of Technology Tawan-Ok, Chanthaburi Campus, Chanthaburi 22210 Thailand |
b |
Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Rambhaibarni Rajabhat
University, Chanthaburi 22000 Thailand |
* Corresponding author, E-mail:
Received 19 Mar 2020, Accepted 7 Apr 2021