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Research articles

ScienceAsia (): 135-145 |doi: 10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874...135

Photosynthetic abilities, light response, and stomatal function in six agroforestry species, Dipterocarpus˙tuberculatus, D.˙alatus, Eucalyptus˙camaldulensis, Hevea˙brasiliensis, Colocasia˙gigantea, and C.˙esculenta in responses to water deficit

Kwankhao˙Cha-uma, Sirikorn˙Sangjuna, Kunyapon˙Prawetchayodoma, Sukanya˙Klomklaenga, Suriyan˙Cha-umb,*

ABSTRACT:     We investigated the physiological and morphological responses in six agroforestry tree species Dipterocarpus tuberculatus, D.˙alatus, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Hevea brasiliensis, Colocasia gigantea, C.˙esculenta under limited water availability. Withholding water resulted in reduced field capacity by 71%, 86%, and 48% in D.˙alatus, D.˙tuberculatus, and E.˙camaldulensis, respectively, resulting in wilting, leaf chlorosis, and leaf burn, respectively. Stomatal density varied among the plant species (1.4–6.2 stomata per 0.0625˙mm2) and was unaffected by water regimes, whereas stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration rate (E), and water use efficiency were reduced when plants were subjected to water deficit conditions. Generally, intracellular CO2 of well-watered plants was not always maintained across increasing light intensity flux (PARi), although for E.˙camaldulensis this was not the case, as both well-watered and water deficit groups showed a reduction with increasing PARi. Net photosynthetic rate was significantly increased in well-watered plants as compared to water stressed plants, depending on the degree of PARi. In addition, a positive relation between gs and E in each plant was demonstrated.

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a Princess˙Chulabhorn˙Science˙High˙School˙Pathum˙Thani, Lat˙Lum˙Kaeo, Pathum˙Thani˙12140˙Thailand
b National˙Centre˙for˙Genetic˙Engineering˙and˙Biotechnology˙(BIOTEC), National˙Science˙and˙Technology˙Development˙Agency˙(NSTDA), Khlong˙Luang, Pathum˙Thani˙12120˙Thailand

* Corresponding author, E-mail: suriyanc@biotec.or.th

Received 22 Jun 2017, Accepted 20 Jul 2018